Non-Medical Expense Related Travel Fee Schedule Fee Schedule 29-224 | Effective Date: June 1, 2024


Policy 21-224 Non-Medical Expense Related Travel

Rates/ Fees

This fee schedule applies to expenses related to non-medical travel, such as travel for training, workforce re-entry services, appointments with WorkSafeNB staff, and attendance at the Workers’ Compensation Appeals Tribunal hearings.


  1. WorkSafeNB assists injured workers with costs incurred as a result of claim-related transportation by paying for the actual distance travelled by personal vehicle.
  1. The transportation amounts are:
    • $0.58 per kilometre for the first 8,000 kilometres driven; 
    • $0.53 per kilometre from 8,001 to 16,000 kilometres; and
    • $0.46 per kilometre thereafter.
  1. Injured workers traveling by a WorkSafeNB approved alternative mode of transportation (air, rail, bus, taxi) will be reimbursed the full cost. Receipts are required.
  1. When claim-related travel is required outside of New Brunswick, WorkSafeNB will arrange or pre-approve the injured workers transportation using the most cost-effective and suitable means available.
  1. Other approved transportation costs like bus or taxi; road or bridge tolls, and parking fees are reimbursed at cost. Receipts are required.


  1. WorkSafeNB pays for accommodations for an injured worker who stays away from home overnight for claim-related reasons and making the round trip is not safe or cost-effective; or the injured worker’s needs and individual circumstances justify an overnight stay.
  1. WorkSafeNB negotiates accommodation rates with hotels throughout New Brunswick for claim-related travel. Injured workers are expected to use these hotels for authorized travel and are reimbursed for the accommodation up to the negotiated rate.
  1. Injured workers who choose to stay in an alternative hotel will only be reimbursed the cost of the accommodation up to the maximum negotiated rate for hotels in the area.
  1. When a negotiated rate is not established for hotels in an area, WorkSafeNB reimburses injured workers for the cost of the accommodation, provided the cost is reasonable for the area. Receipts are required.
  1. When an injured worker is required to stay overnight at a location outside the province of New Brunswick for claim-related travel, WorkSafeNB pays the full cost, provided the cost is reasonable for the area. Receipts are required.
  1. When WorkSafeNB authorizes an attendant or companion to share an injured worker’s room, the double-occupancy surcharge on the room is paid in full.


  1. WorkSafeNB pays a daily meal allowance to injured workers when traveling as a result of a claim-related issue and are not at home during usual meal hours.
  1. The allowance may be paid in part or in full. As an allowance no receipts are required. The amounts are:
  In New Brunswick Out of New Brunswick
Full Day $58.03 $71.08
Breakfast $11.62 $15.45
Lunch $16.27 $18.52
Dinner $30.14 $37.11








Long-term Training

  1. WorkSafeNB pays a reimbursement fee for injured workers registered in a long-term training program provided away from their home area. 
  1. This amount reimbursed is based on the sum of transportation and accommodation expenses incurred while attending the program but must not exceed the maximum. Therefore, the allowance is the lesser of:
    • The transportation payable plus the accommodation expenses; or
    • $150/week ($30/day).
  1. WorkSafeNB pays a meal per diem that is equal to 50% of the per diem outlined above for meals. 


Negotiated rate – a fixed rate for accommodation that has been agreed upon between WorkSafeNB and a service provider for provision of accommodations for injured workers.

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