Calculator: Investigation Costs

You can modify the values on this page to more closely match your accident.

Step 2: Investigation Costs (scenario details) Time Rate Costs
Investigate accident hrs $ /hr $
Time spent to complete an accident investigation report hrs $ /hr $
Time to complete related paperwork for your company (company records or accident book, payroll records, company report forms, etc.) hrs $ /hr $
Time to complete related paperwork for WorkSafeNB (Form 67 – Employer’s Report of Injury or Occupational Disease) hrs $ /hr $
For serious accidents, time taken to report incident to WorkSafeNB and meet with WorkSafeNB officers which may include time to assist with a WorkSafeNB investigation hrs $ /hr $
Follow-up meetings to discuss accident  
Workers: hrs $ /hr $
Employer: hrs $ /hr $
Other Costs: $
Subtotal: $

Step 2 of 6